
The University of Debrecen Clinical Centre Rehabilitation Clinic and its staff are waiting for the patients in need of rehabilitation in a renewed, modern, European-standard environment and with a new equipment within the framework of the European Union's ÉAOP (North Great Plain Operative Programme) 4.1.2.C project. We provide complex rehabilitation and treatment services in nearly 60 inpatient beds and an outpatient clinic. Hospital rooms are one to three-bedded, air-conditioned and have en-suite bathrooms.

The priority activities of our Rehabilitation Department are the following:

  • adults and children who need complex (multidisciplinary) rehabilitation for neurological injuries, stroke and other neurological conditions.
  • Rehabilitation of people with chronic neurological diseases.
  • The rehabilitation of cardiovascular patients, obese people, people with locomotor diseases, people with limb deficiencies, people who need or use artificial limbs.

In addition to individualised physiotherapy, our clinic offers occupational therapy, physiotherapy, McKenzie gymnastics, suspension grid, Therapy master, load diagnostic laboratory, magnet and laser therapy, equipped gym, functional electrostimulation (FES), Corposano muscle and nerve stimulator, parapodium, Wii therapy, hydro-massage, Swedish massage, gymnastics and strength enhancing iequipment. The development of cognitive functions is supported by psychologists, speech therapists and a mental hygienist.

Last update: 2023. 06. 28. 15:49